Hi, this is Vivian from San Francisco! I am an entrepreneur, photographer, and a freelance journalist who writes about cocktails, spirits, distilleries, bars and people behind it.
In March of 2016, I started thetipsymuse Insagram account–I found that I resonate so much more with food and drinks when they’re paired with photographs. However, I found that most recipe books have a very limited number of photos (if you’re curious as to why, here is a great article from Nick Kokonas, the owner of Alinea, which explains how the book publishing industry works). One day, I decided to go through the recipes from my favorite cocktail book: Death & Company , and began taking pictures of the drinks I made and posting them on Instagram. I hope to share and inspire others to make their own creative concoctions.
Today, I offer various services by working with the brands on :
Cocktail recipe design
Press coverage and distillery visitation
Spirits education
Social media strategy
If you are interested in collaboration, feel free to get in touch at real.tipsymuse at gmail dot com.
Press and brand contributions:
Distilleries that I have visited:
St George
Caves Byrrh
Bourgoin Cognac
Courvoisier Cognac
Cognac Hine
Cognac Park
Mery Merlose
Chateau Arton
Armagnac Delord
Armagnac Casterede
Baron de Lustra
Armagnac d’Esperance
Dartigalongue Armagnac
Fitte et Laterrade
Armagnac Laubade
Chateau Pellehaut
Armagnac Marquis de Montesquiou
Gracias a Dios
Banhez Mezcal
Leopold Bros.
Brands (80+ brands)
Cognac BNIC, Armagnac BNIA, Grey Goose, Bombay, Cinzano, Angostura, Kikori Whiskey, Highland Park, Aberlour, Norlan Whisky glass, Fernet Branca, Anthropologie, and many small businesses.